Behaviour management
At The Avenue School we believe it is of upmost importance to help our pupils learn and develop positive strategies for managing their own behaviour. All our pupils are individuals, and we aim to foster a highly personalised approach in our teaching and management of behaviour that challenges.
We recognise that behaviour serves a function and is often a method of communication. We believe it is important when implementing behavioural intervention that we prioritise teaching functional alternatives, so our pupils can get their wants and needs met in a more positive way.
Proactive strategies are employed to support our children on a daily basis in order to reduce the need for challenging behaviour to occur.
- Lessons are differentiated, motivating and fun, taking into consideration our pupils’ special interests and motivation.
- Modelling and prompting techniques are used by staff to give pupils a high level of success within their learning.
- Occupational Therapy advice is incorporated within the classroom to promote individual pupil’s engagement and participation in daily activities.
- Communication targets are worked on throughout the school day. Classroom staff provide children with many opportunities to initiate interactions and support children to respond appropriately to others, helping them to access the curriculum and build positive social relationships.
- Visual resources are provided to support understanding in the form of word walls, timetables, now and next boards etc.
- Choice Boards, PECS, iPad Grid and Makaton are used to support communication.
Positive reinforcement is used to help our pupils learn new skills. Staff identify what acts as a reinforcer for each child, including when and how often to deliver reinforcement. Token systems and reward charts may be used and are often individualised for our pupils. Some of pupil’s favourite reinforcers are:
- Positive praise from teaching staff and peers
- Toys or items that they like
- Enjoyable activities, such as: music; art; physical games, and school trips
- Special privileges, such as taking the register or collecting snack
Interventions or consequences that are employed after a behaviour has occurred are designed to reduce risk and the reoccurrence of the behaviour in the future. Staff write behaviour plans and monitor pupil progress to see if their interventions are successful and make changes where necessary.